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YHS Music Graduation Requirement


In the Spring of 2004, the York School Committee unanimously approved a graduation requirement specifically for music (performing arts) and one specifically for visual art. The rationale was, and remains, to make authentic the state requirement of Visual and performing arts. Through this model, the graduation requirement was not "increased". Rather, it merely specifies that both Visual and Performing Arts, listed as core academic subjects in state and federal law, are essential for all students. Consequently both programs offer entry level, semester long courses which fulfil the requirement. These courses may be taken at any time during a student's four years in High School.


For music, the entry level offerings are Foundations of Music, Chorus and Concert Band. Once students have fulfilled their requirement, they may continue applying their skills in a variety of applied performance ensembles, Music Theory or Music Through History courses. York High School is proud to be one of the few public High Schools in New England to possess this requirement, and equally proud to be truly meeting the needs of every student year after year. 

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